• Is your data labeling slowing down your AI model deployment?

    Increase productivity by 100x and boost the volume of data you label in less time.

Whether it be lack of resources, inability to scale, or specialized requirements, when it comes to data labeling, we offer something that few others in AI can—a world class platform and scalability for your data labeling projects.

Let us help you take your productivity and accuracy to the next level with flexible options for your labeling needs. Either outsource your data labeling needs to Clarifai or use our automated data labeling platform and do it yourself.



Reduction in per label time

Use Clarifai's automated data labeling to reduce the amount of time it takes to label inputs.


Improvement in labeling productivity

Boost the volume of data you label in less time.


Increase in labeling precision

Experience more accuracy using a fully managed data labeling team versus crowdsourcing.

Whether we do it for you or you label the data yourself, we use the same world-class AI platform.

1.4M annotations in 5 days

For a multinational client, we labeled more than 1.4M annotations from hours of video camera footage and completed the project in 5 days versus 6 weeks, the time it took them to label similar products.

Our AI automated data labeling decreased project completion time by 95% while improving accuracy.


  • Scribe LabelForce

    Outsource your data labeling needs to Clarifai to reduce your operational overhead. We offer a fully managed data labeling service to help you complete your AI projects faster and improve training dataset accuracy using our powerful AI-assist data labeling tool. 

    Benefits include:

    Affordable flat fee pricing

    API or UI based data ingestion and job creation

    Built-in quality assurance

    Project scalability

  • Scribe Labeler

    Scribe Labeler is an AI-powered data labeling tool for your workforce. Fully integrated into the Clarifai platform, it offers a whole new way of labeling unstructured image, video, and text data. With AI-assist automation, you can label training data faster and more accurately. 

    Solution includes:

    Single and multi-label classification, bounding boxes, polygons

    Auto-annotation for images and video

    AI-assisted automated label prefills

    Task management workflows

Contact us to schedule a demo!