Clarifai is recognized as a Leader in The Forrester Wave™: Computer Vision Tools, Q1 2024
  • Flare Edge

    Deploy AI to edge devices

    Gain real-world intelligence at the data source with edge AI.

  • armada

One-click deployment, edge-optimized models, and cloud syncing for edge AI

Flare offers the complete Clarifai platform, plus additional tools and features designed for edge deployments. We have built a composable solution that lets you handle inference on the edge, and then sync up with our full platform in the cloud. 

  • Take advantage of edge-optimized model architectures that offer advanced predictive capabilities without taking up a ton of on-device memory.
    Monitor model performance and continuously improve models. Fully integrated edge and on-prem/cloud applications for Active Learning.
    Get up and running quickly with Clarifai’s continuously expanding repository of pre-trained models for the most valuable AI applications.
    Use Clarifai’s full end-to-end platform to label, search, and custom train models. Accelerate intelligent applications that span edge, on-prem and cloud.
    Choose from pure edge configurations, edge+cloud configurations, or "fog" computing configurations.
    Extend Clarifai’s composable workflows to the edge with complex on-device logic. Build on-device solutions for deep object analytics, object tracking and trend analysis.

AI at the Edge

Download this E-book and learn how edge AI enables real-time intelligence closer to the source of data generation. Learn about the use cases that are benefiting most from it, and how it's being used to deliver actionable insights that are driving business value.

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Use AI and machine learning at the edge


Clarifai Benefits

Flare edge AI computing


  • Fastest end-to-end

    Fully integrated one-stop shop for every step of the AI lifecycle to maximize value from all unstructured data. Integrate seamlessly with the full Clarifai platform, so that you can develop, deploy and optimize your solution efficiently.

  • Eliminate internet limitations

    Run AI inference on-location, so there are no bottlenecks, delays, or service interruptions due to internet connectivity. Build ultra-efficient applications that do not experience delays while data is sent back and forth to remote data centers. Run Edge AI even without a persistent internet connection, or in completely air-gapped deployments.

  • Environment agnostic

    Deploy into any public, private or classified software and hardware environment: on any cloud, air-gapped bare-metal or at the edge. Take advantage of edge-optimized model architectures that offer advanced predictive capabilities without taking up a ton of on-device memory.

  • Ready to get started?

    Whether you're a start-up or a Fortune 500, we'd like to discuss a personalized plan that fits your business use cases.

    Learn more about Clarifai

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    1,000 free operations per month.

  • Already a customer?

    If you're encountering a technical or payment issue, the customer support team will be happy to assist you.

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