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April 25, 2016

Clarifai Featured Hack: ClariDrobe Is Your New Personal Stylist AI

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Claridrobe is a fashion app that takes clothing from your very own wardrobe and recommends outfits for you to wear based on weather, date, time, and style preference. You know you’ve made it in life when someone else dresses you every day.

Choosing your own outfit on the daily is so last season. Everyone who’s anyone knows that personal stylist A.I.s are all the rage this spring. That’s why you need the latest hack built with Clarifai – Claridrobe. It takes all your clothes and mixes and matches them to make recommendations on what you should wear based on time, date, weather, and style preference. 



Not only does this app save you precious “hit snooze on the alarm five times before you finally get out of bed” time, but it also helps you explore your closet in new and unexpected ways! They say people only wear 20% of their wardrobe regularly. This app helps you incorporate the other 80%, so you no longer have a closet full of regrets. The interface is really sleek, too – exactly what you’d expect from a fashion app! Read more about Claridrobe on Devpost or check out the GitHub repo and unleash your inner fashionista.


We asked Rivu Khoda and Marvin Wu, creators of Claridrobe, to explain who they’re wearing right now (Clarifai hoodies by Karl Lagerfeld, of course) and how they built the Claridrobe app.

Clarifai: What inspired your idea for Claridrobe?

Rivu: We realized that there were a lot of clothes in our wardrobe that we didn’t use.  Whenever we go shopping, it’s important for us to know how the clothes we buy fit together with everything we have. Also, instead of always having to wear the “usual” combination of clothing, we thought, “Why not add some spontaneity and randomness?” Oftentimes, we’re just afraid to try out new things before we even give our set of clothing a chance.

Marvin: I have a passion for web development, and I want to create apps that harness the power of technology to make our lives a little bit easier. Waking up and getting dressed is a challenge that everyone faces in the morning. As students, we know the struggle of getting the day started quickly, and so we wanted to make something that could help people be as efficient as possible.

What did you use to build your app?

Rivu: We used Node.js, HTML, CSS, MongoDB, Express.js, Angular.js, JavaScript. We had a hard time understanding Angular.js since we were learning it on the fly. Connecting the RESTful API and the front end was also definitely another major challenge because we had never really done it before.

Marvin: We used the MEAN stack to power the app. I worked on the front end to design each page. My biggest challenge was developing the UI using Angular.js for the first time.

What was the best part about working with Clarifai, other than the chic and fashionable swag we gave out?

Rivu: The best part about Clarifai was that it was simple enough to use and gave us great results. It was even able to tag the picture of the clothes that I was wearing.

Marvin: I liked how you could take any picture and Clarifai would just KNOW what you meant.

Thanks for sharing, fashionistas!

To learn more, check out our documentation and sign-up for a free Clarifai account to start using our API – all it takes is three lines of code to get up and running! We’re super excited to share all the cool things built by our developer community, so don’t forget to tweet @Clarifaito show us your apps.

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