Founder's AMA: Maximize the value of your AI investments
April 9, 2020

Clarifai Release 5.10

Table of Contents:

We have released many new features for our platform over the last six months, and today we are excited to start getting you up-to-speed with some of the new features and enhancements available since the end of last year. These releases include a variety of new innovations that let you work more efficiently with computer vision and language AI. We have a backlog of 5 releases to get through, and then will move to a more regular monthly cadence so that we're always capturing improvements, new features and bug fixes that are important to our customers.

Note: Each release marks a point in time of our development cycle and includes relevant documentation to support our developer community, as well as our enterprise cloud or on-premise deployments. However, we are continuously deploying new features, improvements and bug fixes, so you might see some new stuff before we've announced can thank us later.


Portal search enhancements

We improved the search experience in Portal by introducing a new search bar dropdown with helper text to demonstrate how to do the various advanced searches on our platform. Making the searches by metadata and geo-coordinates editable within the search bar was also introduced, which makes it simpler to continue to modify your search and iterate.



Metadata editing in Portal

We’ve introduced easier-to-edit metadata on a single input view in explorer. Just navigate to the metadata window at the bottom right hand corner of your screen. Enter your metadata in JSON format and click anywhere outside the metadata window. The new metadata will automatically be applied to your image.



Portal metadata search from single image

Adding information in the form of metadata gives you the power to enrich your dataset with any information you like. Now you can easily search with this information in Portal from the single image view. Just expand the metadata window, click table, and then click the line that has the metadata you would like to for search. The line is automatically added to the search bar and will filter your search results.



POST and DELETE /inputs asynchronously

We polished up some changes to our /inputs endpoints to make POST and DELETE always asynchronous. This allows for more consistent behavior in our API and allows for more complex workflows to process your data on POST /inputs.