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June 1, 2016

Introducing the Clarifai Community Forum, Your New Favorite Place to Geek Out with Other Developers

Table of Contents:

Have you ever wanted to share all of your Clarifai-related thoughts, ideas, and prayers in one fancy centralized location? Do you dream of a place where you can collaborate with other users and make all your magical Clarifai dreams come true? Well, we hope so, because we have some bomb.com news for you guys …


Introducing the Clarifai Community, the interweb’s hottest new forum for artificial intelligence and image recognition discussions.
Join the Clarifai Community forums to:

  • Get all your questions answered about A.I. and visual recognition
  • Meet like-minded developers and nerds who share mutual interests
  • Be the first to preview special alpha and beta Clarifai features and models
  • Learn how to get a job at Clarifai

The site is pretty intuitive but we’ll go over some of the basics for you. When you visit our community page, you’ll see a “Sign Up” button at the top right which will allow you to connect to our forum via Facebook, Git, or an email address. Sign up now to get the party started!

Next – after logging in, you’ll see this awesomeness:

Clarifai Community of Computer Vision Portal Users

The horizontal menu below the Clarifai logo will help you navigate across all the sweet topics you can choose from (and add to). Latest will curate the hot threads for you, New will have the latest posts, Unread will show the posts you haven’t seen yet, Top will show the posts with the most comments, and Categories will sort out a nice list for you by, you guessed it, categories. You can also filter by a specific Category via the dropdown menu to the left labelled “all categories”!
To create a new topic in any of these categories, simply click the New Topic button on the top right, which will give you a cute little screen at the bottom with Title, Category, and Description fields. Our forum allows you to use HTML, images and even VIDEO embedding! Wow!

Another thing to note are the little Hamburger and Profile icons at the Top-Top right. The Hamburger will give you a list like this:

Hamburger Profile Detection

...which is basically everything you see in the horizontal menu, plus a few other nifty links. This is where you can find stuff like who the admins are, our privacy guidelines, and some very cool keyboard shortcuts (40 in total!). You can also see a list of community users via the “Users” link on the top and click on any individual profiles to learn more about that person.
Speaking of which, the profile icon, which shows your username’s first letter by default, will show you all of your notifications from topics and also three little sub-buttons – bookmarks, messages, and preferences:

Messaging App

Chances are you’ll be using the third one the most, as this essentially controls the bulk of your Community Experience! This will enable you to add a picture and cover photo, reset your password, fill in your bio, log out, and see all of the posts and topics you’ve ever created and/or responded to.
Lastly, we wanted to make this site as fun as possible (obviously) so we also added some gamification in the form of badges! Check out a sample of some of the sweet community swag you can earn:


Marketing Badges


There are 30 badges in total and you can bet your bottom dollar that we’ll be giving a prize out to the person who collects all of them first.
Happy Community-ing!