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April 21, 2020

Clarifai Release 5.11

Table of Contents:

Welcome to the second official monthly release of Clarifai's platform. We've been hard at work in the lab and Release 5.11 marks the unveiling of several important improvements related to authorization and collaboration on our platform. We have a backlog of four releases to document, and then will move to a more regular monthly cadence so that we're always capturing improvements, new features and bug fixes that are important to our customers.

Note: Each release marks a point in time of our development cycle and includes relevant documentation to support our developer community, as well as our enterprise cloud or on-premise deployments. However, we are continuously deploying new features, improvements and bug fixes, so you might see some new stuff before we've announced it...you can thank us later.

App-specific API keys

App-specific API Keys are used to authorize your Clarifai applications. You can go to an Application's detail page to create a new key. A key only gives you access to a single app. You have fine-grained control over the data exposed through your app. You can control the scope of an API Key through a simple checkbox interface when you first set up your app.


Personal Access Tokens

Personal Access Tokens allow a user to access all apps they have permissions to (including ones they go invited to as a collaborator and all their own apps).  Allow users to create a single authentication key (we call a personal access token, PAT for short) that can be used to access all of your apps and any apps you’ve been invited to be a collaborator on. No more need to manage multiple app-specific API keys for each app you want to interact with in the API. Simply login to Portal, head to your profile’s authentication settings and create a PAT with the fine-grained permissions you would like, and then access your app by providing your user_id and app_id in your API requests. 



Get things done faster by pooling knowledge, experience and skills. Clarifai is building an open and flexible AI platform that enables you to perform as a team. Our new Collaborator functionality provides you the ability to share your apps so that you can fast-track the process of labeling data, creating models and gaining insights in your data.  This new openness comes with full control of the permissions available in your apps, so that you can manage the capabilities and information available to each user. Give a trusted collaborator full access, or invite a worker with only permission to annotate your data but not delete it.
