WEBINAR | An AI Operating Model for Content Organization and Personalization
May 22, 2020

Release 6.0 Changelog

Table of Contents:
Introducing important new features, improvements, and bug fixes with Changelog 6.0

New Feature


Bug Fix

Enterprise Only

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Letter I icon

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Letter I icon

Remove country field from signup form, simplifying new customer signups

Letter B icon

Essential Plan User can't add collaborators. Fixed




Letter N icon

Introduce new Python gRPC API client, enabling new features and performance enhancements across API

Letter N icon

Introduce new Java gRPC API client, enabling new features and performance enhancements across API

Letter I icon

Update API key type for "app_specific" for app-specific keys to be more clear to users




Letter N icon

Allow Personal Access Tokens when calling /users/me (GetUsers)

Letter N icon

[Frontend] Enable "Copy Application" from collaborated apps, making it easy to duplicate and build upon existing applications

Letter B icon

Program to clean internal apps crashing. Fixed

Data Management



Letter I icon

Added the ability to accept b64 Gifs

Letter B icon

Functionality to upload pre-tagged images missing. Fixed

Letter B icon

Images pre-tagged with concepts do not successfully upload into Clarifai UI On doing bulk uploads (>20-30 urls). Fixed

Letter B icon

Bulk image upload issue. Fixed

Letter B icon

"Download Failed" error when uploading images. Fixed

Letter B icon

Issue with post inputs key being a PAT in a collector. Fixed




Letter B icon

Skip aligning landmarks if landmark points are out of range to avoid errors and unexpected behavior

Letter B icon

Bounding Boxes and Cropped Regions aren't displaying on Videos with default runtime config. Fixed

Letter B icon

Insert annotations and related data in batch to improve performance




Letter I icon

Evaluate new face embedding model workflow end to end for optimal performance

Letter I icon

Validate that concept.app_id shouldn't be set when creating/patching models

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Add new predicate to knowledge graph for "relates_to" to represent synonyms

Letter B icon

Model training lag. Fixed

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Model has missing inputs. Fixed

Letter B icon

Submitted models becoming stuck in queue. Fixed

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Custom training models when uploaded images are not fully pre-processed. Fixed

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Custom facial recognition bboxes do not correspond with detection boxes/ Custom facial recognition prediction interval for video is still 1000ms for apps supporting 100ms runtime config. Fixed

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frame_info time off by a factor of 10 for general detection model. Fixed

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Detection Models throw error at end of video due to invalid index lookup. Fixed




Letter B icon

Deleting a workflow should clear or update localStorage. Fixed




Letter I icon

Clean up app overflow UI, improving user experience

Letter I icon

Improve Error boundary screen, improving user experience

Letter I icon

Add sentry error Id to Error Screen

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Images not loading. Fixed

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Label and prediction on the right side under Custom Model Predictions section no longer shows up automatically. Fixed

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Provide a way for user.metadata to be updated from portal when there are failing apps stuck in there. Fixed

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Predictions for a detection model don't show properly in portal. Fixed

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Custom facial recognition Predict Boxes not displaying. Fixed

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Adding inputs in explorer redirects to explorer view with flashing images. Fixed




Letter I icon

Run prediction by ID in small batch, improving performance

Letter B icon

Custom model predictions not displaying. Fixed

Letter B icon

Custom model detections not displaying. Fixed




Letter N icon

Add file upload input button to explorer search bar, simplifying the UX for file uploads

LetterN icon

Filter custom facial recognition bboxes using a sliding bar, adding easy thresholding to custom facial recognition models

Letter I icon

Search Bar allows file upload

Letter I icon

Remove Explorer App Overflow Menu for improved UX